my lovely pies

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

saya teringin sangat.


semalam aku tiba-tiba bermonolog, "alangkah sedapnya kalau dapat makan puding jagung".  malangnya, tak tahu mana nak beli. rasanya kat kafe takda jual. nak buatlah. hari ni beli barang after class, n dapatlah buat. survey resepi kat internet dan minta tips dari ibu, tada.... dapatlah dihasilkan.
yeah.. sepatutnya puding ni dimakan dengan kuah koktel, iaitu koktel buah dalam kuah custard, tapi cam malas la pulak, kan? hehe... kalau nak try, ushalah kat sini. senang sangat. bolehlah kalau kalian nak hidangkan kat bakal mak mertua ke, ataupun nak makan sendiri. 

wohooo...cuti Raya Cina dah nak sampai. bestnya.... sekarang dalam dilema. nak balik KL malam jumaat atau pagi jumaat. dan juga dilema nak balik naik KTM atau bas. hurm...jomlah pikir sambil makan.  :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

new craving.


yeah. I have a new craving. A craving for Japanese food. I myself had never expected that I would finally reach this time. But yeah, this is freaking true peeps. thanx to my ex room mate back in Matric, Ika and also my current housemate a.k.a bestie, Nina for the influence. LOL. both of them love Japanese food, in fact, all the things about Japan. But as for me, I am more into some of their food. My favorites would be, 




teriyaki chicken

and tempura

Why I love it? (pictures courtesy of Google)

1. they are super cute.  who can stand these? I personally CAN'T.


2. they are D.E.L.I.C.I.O.U.S

3. they are healthy.

I should clarify here, all of us should get rid of such perception, thinking that Japanese food is solely about RAW FISH which turns most of us to go like.. "eee...yuckzz...mentah weh". They have so much more to offer. try it then only you know. :)

oh ya.. i bought these from JJ wangsa maju yesterday. wollup-ed by my besties and I.

takoyaki (squid and cheesy chicken) + variety of sushi. YUMM!        

Sunday, January 16, 2011



Happy Sunday everyone. yeah... I'm a lil exhausted today ya know?  malam tadi bukan main sakan berjalan kat karnival KARIB anjuran kolej KHAR. lagipun tapak karnivalnya depan rumahku saja, so..apa lagi..merayap la, despite the fact that aku agak sengkek.duit PT belum masuk weh. takpe..itu bukan alasan untuk mengurungkan diri dalam rumah di malam Ahad, kan?

apa je yang aku beli? berbekalkan kemahuan yang membuak-buak untuk dapatkan shawl, baju dan lain-lain yang SUPER murah, aku pun melangkah ke tapak karnival, toghether with my friends, wani, gie, elly,nina n fin. 

dapatlah benda-benda ni.:

inner hijau (RM5), inner purple (RM5), shawl hijau (RM10)

kain baju kurung cotton  (RM16)   

SUM UP: RM36.00
SEE.i've told u. sangat murah. apakan daya, duit tidak mengizinkan, tak boleh beli banyak sangat. takpe, next time mungkin ada lagi, kan?  :)

agak havoc juga malam tadi. Ada gerai macam-macam, makanan, minuman, pakaian, alat2, mainan, macam-macam lagilah. persembahan pun banyak, Azrul Raja Lawak yang mengacarakannya. 

hari ni bangun pagi-pagi, terasa nak breakfast egg toast. buat lain sikit, eksperimen lagi. hehe..
 resepi di sini: blog resepi saya

lepas ni, nak fikir pulak nak masak apa untuk lunch. see, duduk rumah bahaya la. asyik nak ke dapur je. :D

Friday, January 14, 2011

"aku stress.." EK ELEH..RILEKLAH BRADER.


Tengok tajuk pun da annoyed.

well..hari ni aku nak kongsikan serba sedikit tips-tips hilangkan stress. "duh..I could simply get it from Google la". Memang kat mana-mana pun boleh dapat cara-cara hilangkan stress. Kadang-kadang dengan kau kau sekali yang stress sebab banyak sangat tips-tips hilangkan stress ada kat Internet tapi stress juga sebab tak dapat nak pilih yang mana satu. STRESS...STRESS...STRESS..

anyways, disebabkan duit PT belum masuk, assignments mencanak-canak, stress tu ada di mana-mana.

aku belajar benda-benda ni pun dalam kelas Bimbingan dan Penasihatan under Dr. Aziz's teaching. that class is awesomely good.  :) We learned on how to be positive. dalam kelas 2 jam dia tu, positiflah aku.dah keluar kelas, erk.HAHA.

here you go...

1. letakkan jari tangan kanan di bawah bahagian mata kanan, begitu juga jari tangan kiri di bawah bahagian mata kiri. kemudian, gerakkan jari-jari anda itu ibarat anda sedang menaip atau menggunakan kalkulator. gerakkan jari sehingga ke bahagian tulang pipi. ulang sebanyak anda mahu. lakukan pergerakan yang sama di atas dahi dan dada. sambil buat gerakan tu, sebut dalam hati.. "saya makin tenang, saya makin kuat".

2. tutup mata anda, letak tangan di atas dada anda (gaya macam tarzan nak panggil kawan-kawan), kemudian bernafas ikut hidung selaju yang boleh. pastikan bila sedut udara (inhale), perut kembung dan hembus udara (exhale), perut kempis. buat sehingga anda lega.

3. tips pemakanan pula, waktu malam, makan atau minum sesuatu yang pahit seperti kopi kurang gula ataupun madu lebah asli.

4. FAKTA: 25% penyakit disebabkan oleh pemikiran negatif. Jadi, mari jadi positif kawan-kawan.  :)

5. Lazimkan sesuatu yang baik. This is because, kalau kita asyik ucap sesuatu yang negatif atau buat sesuatu yang negatif, ia akan jadi tabiat. We are talkking about repetition power. Makin banyak kita ulang sesuatu, makin mudah ia akan jadi kenyataan atau menjadi tabiat. Sebagai contoh, kalau kita asyik ulang tentang ketakutan kita terhadap hantu, pasti akan terjumpa juga nanti sebab repetition power meningkat, kuasa negatif tu pun akan bertambah menyebabkan imaginasi kita makin nakal menampakkan makhluk2 tak sepatutnya.

itu sahaja buat masa ni. yang penting, jadi positif. OK?  :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

aku rasa sangat..


Im sad.


Im dubious.


Im confused.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

you want something? work it out.


yo peeps. how ya doin? wait..since I'm doing Secret Garden (a great novel by Frances Hudgson Burnett) in British n American Literature's class this semester, I shall start writing in Yorkshire accent now as how Dickon, Martha, Colin, Mary, Ben and other characters in it did. "I shall let tha know th' secret to success is determination an' will. wi' 'em, achievin' goal is as easy as ABC. tha shall start workin' towards it now, o' no procrastination". Guess dear readers, what does it mean.  :)

done crapping.

how was your weekend friends? I warrant it was as great as how you first expected. Mine? pretty much amazing too.. went to a choir class on Saturday morning (yeah..Im taking it as my co-curiculum class this sem). Learned a lot there, though. bubbling, rib breathing, shoulder breathing, tummy breathing. It is as funny as the names are but seriously they are not easy as I first thought they would be. The instructors directed us to try singing few notes in front of them. I did that too and probably I will be assigned into Soprano's group..or maybe Tenor's seriously not sure myself. (wonder what those words mean? Google peeps. mercy!mercy!)

oh's been 13 days now that I practiced my new routine. No more extra eating. Taking care of my health.exercise regularly. I wont bluff. It's hard. when  your body is too used to your regular routine (in my case, it was a bad ones.), it becomes extremely hard to adapt to a new ones. but it's pain no gain, right?


dear friends, there will never be an easy way to success.take it or leave it.  :)

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

new year, new life.LETS GET HEALTHIER!


I hope I'm not too late to wish you my dear readers, 

Happy Blast New Year. 

Hello, what's with the title? Okay. seriously, my studies here in my university, doing my Degree in TESL is getting harder semester by semester. I know, this is just so expected providing that I have been told by the lecturers themselves back in my Sem 1 that it will get harder each semester. yeah..I'm so not ready for that. 

should I just keep quite, stop mumbling and just start gearing up, perk up and smile?yeah..I know I should. 

Anyways, referring to this post's title, I have a major resolution this year. Hello, is it a must to announce your resolution on your blog? For me, this time, I should, simply because this will help me on keeping myself on the track of my own resolution so much so that whenever I feel like giving up, I will start to tell myself,  

"hey..dont u remember, u have once told the whole nation through your blog about bla..bla..bla..Dont u feel sorry for yourself to give up now when everybody is expecting you to achieve the goal you've set up?" .

I'll be 21 in October this year. yeah..see, the number has increased. It means that I have to let myself decide the best for my future.

I have to lose weight this year. HAVE TO!

pic from:
I need to do this not purely to look good. I am grateful of what I have now. Alhamdulillah. Whenever I look into the mirror, I tried my best not to forget to say, "Alhamdulillah ya Allah for You have granted me with such gifts." For me, as long as I can still breathe in the air, witnessing Allah's great creations, voicing out my heart on my likes and dislikes, hearing the sounds of birds chirping and tweeting, that should be enough. But I'm still a normal human being, to be precise, a normal  girl who has feelings. It hurts when people keep on teasing about your appearance. It hurts even more when they never realize it hurts you. I don't mind my friends teasing me as I know they are just joking but then again, I want to thank to them for this wake up call. I know I should have been working out, solving this problem long ago. But, only now I realize I should be serious in this matter. get rid of that fat! It's of no good. 

"you are already thin,",   

"diet?hahahahaha..stop joking please."

"I've been hearing this since ages, and you are still like that, no changes at all, point having such a resolution".

probably these are what I will get once my post is read.But then again, I dont mind. I know deep inside, they are praying for my best. :)

why going on a diet?

1. I'm still young, if I dont take care of my own health, it shows how ungrateful I am towards Allah's gifts that I cant even take a good care of it.

2. I'll be super busy and living in a hectic life soon,. So, if I dont watch on my food intake, I'll get sick easily (stomachache, headache, high blood pressure, diabetes and what not). So, start now. stop procrastinate. never too late to dieting.

3. I can spend less for food and use my money more on other things like books and anything I like or simply keep em in my savings.

Number 3 is highly controversial, isn't it? haha. I know. What I'm trying to say is that I can cut off my money expenditure on junk foods. yeah..all this while, my money will easily be spent on junk foods especially when my stomach doesnt even need that. u dont believe it?you better believe it.

before i end this off, I do have to remind you that DIETING here does not mean NOT EATING. It means, taking care of what is eaten, lead a healthier life, exercise and most importantly, be positive in your life. Most importantly, this wont stop me from my forever interest, cooking. So sorry if my definition of DIETING is side-tracked of those printed on dictionaries, everybody has their own definition on something they intended to define aite? so do I.

So friends, start leading a healthy lifestyle. It's never too late. keep on providing me with your love and support yeah. thank you.  :)