"tilam..tilam..tilam lama tukar baru..tilam..tilam.."
haha. that is exactly what I have in front of my house in Tg.Malim now, the moment I am writing. A lorry selling mattresses to houses.
So, am I going to talk about tilam here? Not quite right. Let us discuss (Is this a discussion?). Let us talk about...
This very morning, My beloved housemates and I were determinedly cleaning up the house. The targeted area were the kitchen, hall and also the veranda. I am now (since last sem) staying outside, no longer in the college. Not because i got kicked out from the college yeah. It was because, I wanted more privacy. wah? LOL. Main reason would be, in my new house, I am allowed to COOK. Hoyeah... big grin please. ah.ha..that's how I loike it. heh.
OKAY..back to the topic.
mengapa nak berbicara isu kebersihan pula ini hari? kerana..sebenarnya isu ini sudah lama bermain di fikiranku namun baru kini dapat dikongsi bersama.
I've been hearing for quite some times about how dissatisfied my friends were, not only my friends, even me myself when I was staying in the college, about house's CLEANLINESS.
Ini antara keluhan-keluhan mereka.(okay, exaggeration is unavoidable. LOL)
1. "eee..kotorlah tandas. mangkuk tandas berlari-lari, sinki berdaki"
2. "aduh..apahal sinki tersumbat ni? (godek-godek tangan dalam sinki)..eee..yuhh...tulang arnab?"
3. " kenapa pinggan mangkuk tak dibasuh? huyyo..berkulat dah."
HAHA.these are several of the grumblings, I suppose.
PERSOALANNYA. Mengapakah ini berlaku? bak kata salah seorang pengacara NTV7 dulu, "ape kejadahnya ini semua?" <<<----- (kenapa aku rasa ayat ni kasar?)
pernah tak terfikir, kita semua dah dewasa, hal-hal kebersihan ni dah tak patut timbul. Don't you think so?
kalau benda-benda macam ni berlaku dekat mereka yang duduk dengan kawan-kawan yang rapat, tak apalah. paling-paling pun, boleh je selamba badak Sumatera, tampal notis comel-comel macam ni: (jap...chomel kewww?)
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haha. ayat tak bole blah. anyway, I pasted this after the kakak senior who is staying together with me agreed bout it too. so no offense la. ;) |
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yeah. "jangan marah ye dengan notis ini, untuk kebaikan bersama" |
Ha.. this is all because, all this while we dont have problems with each other in the house, so to paste such notice is not a problem, I suppose.
Tapi bagaimana yang duduk di kolej, dengan kawan-kawan yang baru kenal, yang belum mereka tahu hati budi masing-masing. Takkan nak tampal notis juga? Ada pula yang terasa hati nanti, fikir yang, "ek eleh..poyo gila nak tampal-tampal notis bagai. Ingat aku ni budak kecik ke nak kena ingat-ingatkan macam ni?!". ha..tak pasal-pasal timbul pula isu lain, kan dah naya macam tu.
tapi kelakar kan?
tak nak ditampal notis tapi suka buat sepah.
macam-macam. Hal macam ni, tak kiralah pompuan ke, laki ke..sama saja. Walau macam mana sibuk sekalipun anda, jagalah kebersihan rumah. Kita kena ingat. Kita bukan duduk sorang je, jadi, be considerate. After all, belum ada kes orang masuk wad sebab kemas rumah. belum pernah lagi aku dengar berita,
"Seorang Pelajar dikejarkan ke Hospital Akibat Membersihkan Rumah", kan?
Tak susah pun. Konsep dia senang je.
P/S:thanx to Wani, Elly, Zaf, Kak Pah and Kak Sha for the hard works this morning. ;)
saye terasa!wahahahhahahahahaha~
waduh.kok terasa? itu bukan dituju ke kamu dong syg. yang dituju ke kamu itu, ucapan makasih kerna udah nolongin guwe. hoho
bila tak bukak fb, blog selalu hapdet kan? nais. el ow el.
pergh.perli abes. :D
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